New insight on genetic links between outflows and chasmata on Valles Marineris plateau, Mars
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منابع مشابه
Sulfates in Valles Marineris and Implications for Mars' Aqueous History
Introduction: Mapping the type and distribution of hydrated mineralogy is one way to track the aqueous history of Mars. Sulfates are a potentially good tracer of past climate because they form by aqueous processes , so their presence, volume, and process of formation can characterize how much water was available. The sulfates in Valles Marineris (monohydrated Mg or Fe sulfate and polyhydrated s...
متن کاملLayering stratigraphy of eastern Coprates and northern Capri Chasmata, Mars
Distinct competent layers are observed in the slopes of eastern Coprates Chasma, part of the Valles Marineris system on Mars. Our observations indicate that the stratigraphy of Coprates Chasma consists of alternating thin strong layers and thicker sequences of relatively weak layers. The strong, competent layers maintain steeper slopes and play a major role in controlling the overall shape and ...
متن کاملDikes of distinct composition intruded into Noachian-aged crust exposed in the walls of Valles Marineris
[1] Valles Marineris represents the deepest natural incision in the Martian upper crust. Previous studies showed that the upper parts of the walls were made of finely layered probable basalts in most of the chasmata, while the base of the stratigraphy reveals primary Noachian crustal blocks. Exposures of pristine Noachian bedrock are rare on Mars, and mostly observed outside of their geological...
متن کاملDiagenetic haematite and sulfate assemblages in Valles Marineris
Previous orbital mapping of crystalline gray haematite, ferric oxides, and sulfates has shown an association of this mineralogy with light-toned, layered deposits on the floor of Valles Marineris, in chaos terrains in the canyon’s outflow channels, and in Meridiani Planum. The exact nature of the relationship between ferric oxides and sulfates within Valles Marineris is uncertain. The Observato...
متن کاملPristine Noachian crust and key geologic transitions in the lower walls of Valles Marineris: Insights into early igneous processes on Mars
Valles Marineris is a unique vertical section through the uppermost kilometers of the martian crust. Its location, east of the Tharsis bulge, and its water-related history, fuel a great diversity of rock types in this area (Carr, M.H., Head, J.W. [2010]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 294, 185–203). HiRISE and CRISM data available over the walls of the canyon were analyzed to infer the importance of ...
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